Seattle FSDO
FAA Examining Authority for:
    Private Pilot ASEL
     Commercial Pilot ASEL    
     Instrument Airplane
     Certified Flight Instructor & Instrument
          Initial*, reinstatement, and Military
     Canadian Conversions
     Foreign Pilot Examiner
     Military Competency Examiner/CFI conversions     
     Basic, Advanced, Instrument Ground Instructor
     SIC rating add-on
     ACR within the Seattle FSDO          


Pilot Licenses and Ratings Held
     Designated Pilot Examiner: Airplane Single Engine Land 
     Airline Transport Pilot: AMEL, ASEL
          Type ratings: B-707/720, DC-9, B-737 (SIC only)
     Commercial Instrument Rotorcraft
     CFI, CFII, MEI (Gold Seal)
     Advanced Ground Instructor and Instrument Instructor

*Currently the FAA has first right of refusal on initial CFI tests

Johnny D. Summers
FAA Designated Pilot Examiner
Seattle FSDO
(253) 861-6439

Copyright 2012 Bethany Consulting LLC

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